About Tia Wolfe

Cultural Chains: My Beginnings

Born into a single-parent Asian household, I faced cultural expectations that demanded silence and conformity. This environment suppressed my once-bold voice and over time, I internalized these constraints, often at the cost of my mental well-being. My formative years were characterized by episodes of depression, struggles with self-worth, and the pressures of being the primary linguistic bridge in a predominantly non-English speaking household.

I didn’t realize I was sensitive as a child, I just knew I hated raised voices and I took everything in. I thought whatever the family said about me was true. In an attempt to maintain harmony, I found myself becoming a people-pleaser, compromising my desires, and losing sight of my boundaries in both friendships & romantic relationships. 

In my adult years, I followed family expectations by attending college and later, climbing the corporate ladder with my finance degree. Though I achieved professional milestones, I felt unfulfilled and lost, despite having everything I thought I wanted. 

From these challenges, I learned that cultural influence matters in shaping our mental well-being and our relationships. I was taught that as an Asian woman, I should be small and I didn’t have a voice. This translated into my relationships where it was okay not to communicate my needs and feelings. This led to me sidelining my own needs and true self, inadvertently impacting my future relationships. 

The Echoes of Culture: My Relationship Reality 

The emphasis of following cultural norms and pleasing my parent placed a lot of weight that also impacted my relationships. Many of us bear the burden of striving to fulfill our parent’s hopes, often at the cost of our own desires. This taught me that self-care was selfish and that my worth was tied to their validation. It became normal to sideline my happiness for others, particularly in relationships. 

Parallel to my professional journey, I navigated a tumultuous on and off relationship. It was a chapter of my life that starkly tested my resolve, strength, and self-worth. Though trapped in a cycle of dysfunction, a pivotal moment jolted my perspective: my own safety was in jeopardy. Recognizing the magnitude of this situation after being strangled, I made the empowering choice to prioritize my well-being over familiar comforts, even if it meant confronting homelessness. 

During this experience, I lost a lot of friends who stigmatized my circumstances. While the external world sometimes judged without understanding the full scope of my experiences, Yet, I remained steadfast in my quest for self-discovery. After another relationship that taught me invaluable lessons about codependency and attachments, I pledged to embark on the most transformative relationship of all: “the one with myself." 

During this time, I tried everything that could help me learn about myself. This birthed the love of astrology and human design. 

Embracing Astrology & Reclaiming My Voice 

Astrology, something I used to dismiss as a superstition, became a powerful tool for me to have self-awareness and thus transforming my relationship patterns. By looking into the intricacies of my birth chart, I was able to learn about my personality traits, emotional tendencies, and even past life influences! This helped me to understand my behaviors and how that influenced my attachment styles, whether that was anxious, avoidant, or secure, depending on the relationship I was in. 

Furthermore, learning about synastry charts allowed for me to understand how each relationship was influenced by combining my chart with different partner’s charts. This allowed me to transform my relationships by having more conscious awareness of unhealthy attachments, breaking free from past relationship patterns, and creating new, healthy relationships with others! Ultimately, astrology has helped me to navigate new relationships with greater self-awareness, empathy, and a sense of empowerment. 

On this path of self-discovery, I’ve reflected on past relationships, recognizing where I dimmed my light and silenced my voice. But I’ve evolved, learning to vocalize my needs and feelings fearlessly. This journey helped me confront and heal past traumas, transforming my experiences into wisdom and reclaiming my authentic power. 

Unlock Your Authentic Magnetism: Begin the Transformation 

I understand that relationships are a big part of everyone’s lives and have a direct impact on our being, the decisions that we make, our emotional and mental state. Due to the challenges and breakthroughs that I’ve gone through and how much astrology has helped me in my journey, I want to help others understand themselves and their relationship patterns using astrology. 

Through this journey, I discovered how passionate I am with wanting to help others break free from trauma that are keeping them back from their own authentic magnetism. Furthermore, the wounds we encounter from previous relationships tend to keep us from attracting our aligned partnerships. When we have healthy relationship dynamics, we are more joyous and glow a soft, loving aura. 

There is a vibrancy within us when we have healthy, fulfilling relationships. We all have a magnetic authenticity that resides within all of us, waiting to be unlocked and shine brightly. With this magnetism, we naturally draw in aligned partnerships. I recognize that when I help support others in their own transformative journey, by holding space and listening to everyone’s stories, allowing them to feel seen and heard, we are co-creating together, more genuine connections and allowing for authentic magnetism to thrive in the world! 

This allows for a happier, peaceful, and loving world. So let me help you unlock your authentic magnetism by releasing the trauma that is holding you back. It is within this journey of transformation, the alchemy that transmutes past wounds into stories of wisdom, that we find the essence of our true being. 

As we embark on this path of self-discovery together, you will discover the beauty in shedding the weight of your traumas and liberating yourself from its grip. Whether it is healing relationship wounds, navigating breakups, your journey of self discovery, or conflict resolution, you are safe, held, and seen here. If you’d like to work with me, please book a 1:1 cosmic transformation call below!